воскресенье, 1 декабря 2013 г.

Fill in the form

1.     First name
2.     Last name
3.     Age
4.     Gender
5.     Place of origin
6.     Sphere of activity
7.     Have you ever heard of globalization?
a)     Yes, of course.
b)    No, I have no idea about it.
c)     I have heard something about it, but not sure.
8.     Do you define globalization as positive or negative?
a)     It is absolutely positive.
b)    It is totally negative.
c)     I’m in two minds.
d)    I have no idea, not interested in the question.
9.     What effect does the globalization have on you?
a)     It creates a number of opportunities.
b)    I feel the impact of American (European) lifestyle on me.
c)     It has no effect on me.
d)    Suggest your own answer.
10.                        Are you for or against globalization?
a)     I’m absolutely for it.
b)    I’m totally against it.
c)     I’m in two minds.  

d)    I have no idea. Don’t know what it is.

1 комментарий:

  1. 1. Alik
    2. Shamkhalov
    3. 24
    4. Male
    6. Driver
    7. b
    8. d
    9. c

    1. Amina
    2. Abasova
    3. 19
    4. Female
    5. Makhachkala
    6. Student
    7. c
    8. c
    9. c

    1. Djambulat
    2. Tadjidinov
    3. 19
    4. Male
    5. Makhachkala
    6. Operator, student
    7. b
    8. c
    9. b

    1. Gunel
    2. Shikhhamzayeva
    3. 21
    4. Female
    5. Baku
    6. Student
    7. a
    8. c
    9. b

    1. Williams
    2. Mamu
    3. Male
    4. 21
    5. Lagos
    6. Sport
    7. a
    8. a
    9. a
    1. Cristina
    2. Alvarez Iban
    3. 20
    4. female
    5. Leon
    6. student
    7. a
    8. c
    9. a

    1. Eva
    2. Chang
    3. 22
    4. Female
    5. Thai Bay
    6. Student
    7. a
    8. c
    9. a
