воскресенье, 15 декабря 2013 г.

Advances in Communication Technology

As the world continues to move, so does the advancement of technology. Every year sheds light on improvements to yesterday's devices and new inventions appearing on the horizon. At the center of it all is a desire to speed up communication across the globe, with the intention of making inconveniences a thing of the past.



Earliest forms of communication include pictograms, signals and, of course, language. Over time, communication has always advanced in order to be more efficient, from homing pigeons to the computer. Great examples include the development of the Pony Express in 1860, as settlement spread westward, to get mail from one side of the nation to the other as quickly as possible. The 19th century also saw the development of the telegraph, telephone and radio. The 20th century birthed the use of the television and computer to spread


What started as a government effort to smooth out communication hangups on national security issues has turned into a worldwide (web) phenomenon. The Internet, which emcompasses the World Wide Web (WWW) or simply the Web, links everyone together with a universe of information available for all to access and learn from, and seemingly unlimited resources for contacting those on your personal and business Rolodexes. Most every business out there now has a website available for consumers to access information, contact the business and even make purchases, all from the comfort of home. In fact, the Internet has become such a pillar of communication today that it appears it will remain the nucleus of all current and future developments within the industry.


Wireless communication, also known as WiFi (wireless fidelity) or WLAN (wireless local area network), uses low-power radio waves to transmit data over distances from one device to another without the use of wires, allowing senders and recipients to access information while on the move. Especially for business, WiFi is invaluable as it allows the boss, who travels frequently, to stay in touch with his employees back at the office. Wireless communication also makes it possible for more individuals to work from home, a luxury that was rarely a possibility just 30 years ago.


Electronic mail, commonly called email, is a means of sending messages to someone instantaneously over the Internet through a service provider or email hosting website. Email now virtually replaces hand-written correspondence sent through the postal system. Senders can not only send a direct message but also attach images and documents to the email, giving recipients immediate access to information that might otherwise take days to receive and even longer to edit or update as necessary. Additionally, email services retain messages sent between parties in your account until you delete them manually, allowing you to always have a record of communication.

Smartphones are exactly that--mobile phones that know how to do an amazing variety of tasks. These cellular phones have a multitude of features that not only allow you to communicate while on the go in a number of different ways, but give you Internet access, keep track of appointments, and allow you to add features and applications for every need (or desire) you can think of. Text messaging through mobile phones is increasingly becoming the way to communicate quick thoughts to friends, family and clients, whether it's to promise a call later or simply to pass on a thought before it's forgotten.


Online networking websites, such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, are increasingly becoming the most popular means of instant and detailed communication. These sites allow registered users to communication with friends, family and clients from moment to moment. You can add images, update your status (telling everyone what you're doing this very moment), start a fan page for your business, write notes, send personal messages, and more. The idea is to allow users the opportunity to connect with everyone they know, even if they are hundreds of miles apart.


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