понедельник, 22 апреля 2013 г.

Interviewing James Cameron

1) the Niagara Falls – Ниагарский водопад
2) a muse - муза
3) to be handed to smb. – быть переданным кому-то
4)a work ethic – трудовая этика
5) Showmanship – искусство организации публичных зрелищ
6) a  misfit - неудачник
7) to botch smth up – портить что-либо
8) to reconcile – примирять что-то с чем-то
9) visual art medium – средство передачи визуального искусства
10) set – (зд.) декорации 
11) to make tangible – делать осязаемым
12) the Abyss – Бездна
13) live in smb` shoes  - жить в чьей-то шкуре

1. Did you think of yourself as different from other kids? Were you a gifted child?
2. How would you explain to somebody who knows nothing about what you do, what is it that's so exciting to you about doing it?
3. When did you first know what it was that you wanted to do with your life?
4. What was your childhood like?
5.  How would you characterize your contribution, your achievement in the field of film making?
6. Were there any teachers who had a big influence on you?
7. What finally attracted you to film?

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